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Trio v6.1.0

The Trio Blog

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Trio v0.0.1

First Public Release Of Trio

I am very excited to announce the first public release of Trio, v0.0.1, on NPM. This release represents the culmination of months of work, not only on the code base itself but also on the documentation and the example blog.

In the coming weeks I will be publishing a series of "how to" articles and videos that demonstrate using Trio to create static web sites.

Trio is an open source project and it needs you, the community, to provide feedback, suggest new features and report issues and bugs. Please don't hesitate doing so here and you can also reach me on Twitter.

Pardon the shameless plug but if you enjoy using Trio please consider starring the repo and spreading the word :).

Your Financial Support Of This Project Is Greatly Appreciated

Trio is an open source project and is therefore free of charge to use both for noncommercial and commercial use, but when you use Trio to create a new website, please consider donating a few bucks. It doesn't take very long, the process is secure, and it will allow us to continue to support the community and to maintain and enhance Trio going forward.

Show your ❤️, add your ★ to the Github repo.