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Trio v6.1.0

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Trio v1.0.0-rc.5 (IKIGAI)

Names Of Callbacks That Throw Exceptions Are Now Reported

This release includes 1 enhancement and 3 breaking changes. Please see the changelog for details.

  • For callbacks that throw exceptions, Trio would catch the exceptions and print just their messages to the console, leaving it up to the user to determine which module actually threw the exception. Now, when callbacks throw exceptions, Trio will also print their module names along with their messages to the console.

Breaking Changes

  • Fragment properties destPath (the generated page's target file path) and url (the generated page's URL) are now generated in all lowercase.
  • Trio no longer generates a unique id property for fragments due to the expense in terms of the development time required to maintain their integrity during incremental builds. In its place, users should now use the fragment's url property, which is intrinsically always unique.
  • Callback argument $ has been renamed to $page for clarity and consistency.

Your Financial Support Of This Project Is Greatly Appreciated

Trio is an open source project and is therefore free of charge to use both for noncommercial and commercial use, but when you use Trio to create a new website, please consider donating a few bucks. It doesn't take very long, the process is secure, and it will allow us to continue to support the community and to maintain and enhance Trio going forward.

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